Lisa's negotiation techniques are a game-changer. After completing her course, our team not only secured a high-value client, but we also negotiated better terms with our suppliers. The ROI was immediate; we saw a 15% boost in profitability within two weeks. Lisa's approach to negotiation is transformative and yields tangible results.


Tech Company


Ineffective negotiation skills affecting deals and supplier terms.


Lisa's Negotiation Mastery program for comprehensive training.


 Immediate 15% boost in profitability within two weeks.

Sarah reached out to Lisa seeking leadership development for her startup. Facing challenges in team collaboration, she was eager to foster a positive and efficient work environment.

Through customized team coaching sessions, Lisa targeted communication gaps and leadership dynamics. She implemented tailored strategies, emphasizing a balanced approach to leadership.

Sarah reported a significant improvement in team collaboration and overall work culture. The startup experienced increased productivity, leading to successful project deliveries.

Sarah, CEO of Blinx Media

Alex, the owner of a growing small business, approached Lisa for guidance on scaling operations and fostering a productive team.

Lisa curated a comprehensive package focusing on team coaching, business strategy, and skill-building. She provided specific tools for effective communication and strategic planning.

Alex's business witnessed accelerated growth. The team became more cohesive, leading to streamlined operations and increased revenue. Alex attributed the success to Lisa's tailored coaching.

Alex, Small Business Owner

Emma, a passionate fempreneur, desired a support system to navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship. She sought Lisa's guidance to enhance her leadership skills.

Lisa designed a program catering to fempreneurs, combining personal development coaching with business strategies. She addressed challenges unique to female entrepreneurs.

Emma not only witnessed personal growth but also saw significant progress in her business. The tailored approach empowered her to overcome hurdles and build a thriving venture.

Emma, Founder of a Fempreneurial Ventures

Transformation in Leadership Dynamics

Accelerated Growth for Small Business

Empowering Female Entrepreneurs

Mark, a government contractor, aimed to enhance negotiation skills for securing lucrative contracts. He sought Lisa's expertise to navigate the complexities of government dealings.

Lisa provided specialized training in negotiation techniques tailored for government contracts. She incorporated practical scenarios and real-world examples.

Mark reported a substantial increase in the success rate of securing government contracts. Lisa's expertise proved instrumental in optimizing Mark's negotiation strategies.

Mark, Government Contractor

Jessica, a high-level executive, desired personal development to complement her professional success. She engaged with Lisa to achieve a holistic balance in her life. Lisa's coaching focused on personal and professional development, emphasizing work-life balance, stress management, and effective communication. Jessica experienced positive changes in both her personal and professional life. Her improved well-being translated into enhanced leadership skills, creating a positive ripple effect in her workplace.

Jessica, C-Suite Executive

Ryan, the founder of a budding startup, sought Lisa's guidance to expedite the business launch and navigate the initial challenges of entrepreneurship. Lisa developed a tailored package for startups, incorporating business coaching, strategic planning, and networking strategies to accelerate growth. Ryan's startup successfully launched within the projected timeline. The foundational strategies provided by Lisa played a crucial role in the startup's initial success.

Ryan, The Incubator Club

Government Contracting Success

 Personal Development for Executives

Startup Acceleration Journey Ryan, Startup Founder

"Enrolling in Lisa's Negotiation Mastery course was the best decision for my freelance consultancy. Not only did I learn how to command fair rates for my services, but the course also equipped me with valuable communication skills that have enhanced my client interactions. The immediate impact on my income and professional relationships has been extraordinary."


Empowerment Consulting


Emily Wilson, a freelance consultant at Empowerment Consulting, struggled to negotiate fair rates for her services and communicate her value effectively to clients, hindering her business growth.


The results were transformative. Emily saw a 30% increase in her income within the first quarter after implementing the negotiation techniques learned in the course. The newfound confidence in negotiation also led to improved client satisfaction and long-term collaborations for Empowerment Consulting.

"Within the first month, we saw a 20% increase in successful deal closures, translating to an additional $50,000 in revenue. Lisa's strategies are practical, and her insights have elevated our negotiation game to new heights." 


Summit Strategies


Summit Strategies faced challenges in negotiating favorable terms within client contracts, often settling for less-than-optimal conditions.


Within just one month, the team felt more confident and empowered in negotiations, leading to improved client relationships and increased revenue opportunities. 

Emily Wilson, Freelance Consultant

Sarah Rodriguez

A Step-by-Step Course FOR Business Owners & Entrepreneurs

Learn how to close deals ethically with Leading with Lisa

Without complex techniques and long scripts 


Free handbook guide 

Discover the power of Effective Listening in Negotiations





